Tharindu Costa Composed Songs - All
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Aithikaraya - Tiran Akuressa
Aithikaraya - Tiran Akuressa
Aithikaraya - Tiran Akuressa (Sahara Flash).mp3
Atha Thiya Diwurala - Sampath Jayaweera
Dawasaka Ma (Man Wage Pem Keru) - Thushara Joshap.mp3
Ikman Wela - Chethana Prasad
Nube Kandulu - Chandrasena Hettiarachchi
Oba Dunna Wedana - Chalaka Pushpakumara
Oba Dunnu Wedana - Sujith Ashen.mp3
Obata Man Adare Tharam - Dammika Dananjaya.mp3
Pama Wela Ho - Bashi Madhubashini
Rasthiyadu Gahuwata - Rastha Rathu
Rekaganna Monawada - Mithila Randika.mp3
Sepalika Mal Suwade - Chandana Walpola
Un Thenama Oba - Jayathu Sandaruwan (Sahara Flash).mp3
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